Spokane Mediation Services
Lease Review
Gain peace of mind by understanding your lease terms in clear, straightforward language. We’ll help you navigate the fine print and highlight important details so you can make informed choices without surprises for only $60. (Note: This service does not include legal advice.)
Half Day Mediation
We provide half-day mediation services, offering focused 4-hour sessions to help resolve disputes efficiently and promote practical, mutually beneficial solutions for only $500.
Monthly Mediation
Spokane Mediation Services offers property managers and landlords a cost-effective solution to resolve tenant disputes without the burden of legal fees and headaches. For only $5,000 a month, you will receive ten 4-hour mediation sessions, each designed to help you address conflicts with tenants efficiently and professionally. Our mediation services provide a neutral, collaborative environment where all parties can voice their concerns and reach mutually agreeable solutions. This package is perfect for managing ongoing tenant disputes, lease issues, or property management challenges, ensuring smoother operations and stronger relationships without costly legal interventions. Contact us today to take advantage of this valuable offer!
(DISCOUNT: 30% off Monthly Mediation until December 31st, 2024!)